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TMO is a database system developed by Trafikverket. TMO is used to store data of various types amont them ground water data, surveying data and environmental data.

Note: The Redbex TMO import is implemented as a one-time-only import. I.e. the import is meant to be used to convert data from TMO databases to Redbex but not for regular updates of data from TMO to Redbex.

There are two slightly different version of TMO that are both supported by Redbex: Hasp and Regular Before importing the user has to define the dialect. The import procedure will then parse the data according to the selected dialect.

Preparing the TMO database

This only applies to TMO databases of dialect regular

Redbex imports data from TMO databases by directly connecting to these databases. However TMO systems use a second independent database for Geographic data. To make this data available to the TMO import you must fist create a view in the TMO database (typically called WebDB) that creates a bridge to the geographic data.

Listing 1 shows the SQL command to create this view. Note that you have to change the script in order to match your database name

CREATE VIEW ByggnadSpatial
        FROM [<Name Of Tmo GeoDB>].[dbo].[SBK_BYGGNADER]


Listing 1: Script for creating the ByggnadSpatial view


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